Minecraft Diaries

Day One

As the darkness closes in around me I’ve decided to keep a Diary in case I never make it off this island, that someone might one day know what fate befell me. (Or if I do make it out alive, that I might be paid for television interviews and have an instant best seller).  The details of the plane crash and exactly how I ended up here are still a blur to me. The first thing I remember is waking up on a beach with the mother of all headaches.

As I tried to orient myself I thought I was lucky to have washed up in civilization. I could see a city before me but something seemed odd. I soon realised this was no civilization the world has ever seen.

The buildings all have and odd, edgy design. I’ve never before seen their like.  It’s as though each building is made up of many little cubes and no other shape.  I didn’t have long to wonder about this before I found myself surrounded by natives.  I didn’t feel in any danger though as they appeared to be genuinely friendly.  Two of them by the names of Qumulys and Blaghman (what strange names these people have) offered to take me on a tour of the city.

They took me to into the town and showed me a community notice board which appears to be the centre of their society and how the citizens communicate to the populace at large. My hope was raised when I noticed a building signposted as a telephone booth but when I went In there was no sign of there ever being any sort of telephone in there.  There was just a pair of blue tights and a shirt with a red S on a yellow shield lying on the floor.  I don’t believe these people know what a telephone is and I have no idea how they ever came across the word.

One of the guides the took me and showed me his home where it appears the custom is to remove ones pants before entering.  I didn’t want to be rude and, well, when in Rome…

They showed me several giant pits in the ground for which I couldn’t work out any apparent purpose but for which they seemed quite proud of. Then the buildings started to get really impressive. There was a gigantic Pantheon with intricate tile work and a roof reaching up to the clouds and a colosseum apparently under construction nearby.  A huge glass convolution appeared to be floating in the sky filled with liquid magma providing lighting for the city and destroying every law of physics I know.

Next I got the first hint of the real danger I find myself in on this Island.  They led me to a maze and threw me in alone, saying something about a rite of passage.  The natives were jumping over and around me along the tops of the maze in long bounding strides and Chittering to each other while i wondered around in a daze. They laughed manically when I nearly fell into a trap in part of the maze and narrowly avoided tumbling to my death over a sheer cliff.

I managed to find my way out and appeared to game some kind of acceptance among them as they have given me an name of their own, Gorzilla. Other highghts of the tour included a giant elephant containing a rollercoaster in which I was execrated out of the elephants rear, a caslte, a mural of a girlish warrior dressed in green and there also appears to be evidence of farming. The tour concluded at a statue of what appears to be one warrior tearing off the head and some of the spine of a defeated challenger.

They left me to my own devices then and I have constructed a rudimentary shelter in a valley between this violent warrior statue and what appears to be a recreation of an alien invasion to remind myself of the ever present danger I’m in here with these strange people.

Day Two

I eventually managed sleep last night from sheer exhaustion but I find myself unable to relax in these strange surroundings.  I have made some basic improvements to my shelter which brings a small amount of comfort.

I have decided my best option is to try and fit in with these people until I can find a way to contact the outside world. It appears the best way to do this is to undertake some sort of construction as they look on civic works here with an almost religious fever. There is even a statue of a man the locals tell me is a plumber. What other society has ever built a statue of a plumber?  They’d have to bed the royal princess to get that sort of attention where I come from.

I’ll have to chose my project carefully as participating in this way appears to carry it’s own risks. I watched on as one of my former tour guides, Qumulys, was forced to dip his toes in the lava lamp as punishment for constructing some sort of deformed construct which he tried to claim is an abstract space ship to defend himself but appears to have started of to be a sailing ship.  It’s too bad he didn’t succeed. I may have been able to use it to get out of here.

Day three

I think I’ve worked out how to gain the favour of the locals. Despite the amazing works of architecture the roads around here are still in their infancy and public transport is largely nonexistent.  I have proposed making a fast, efficient transport system thorough the use of interconnected locks. I created a small demo unit in my valley and showed it to a group of locals and they seem to like the idea.

I just have to hope I can make it work. I don’t want my toes burnt off.

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